Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Man of Many Mysteries

This Blog has gone from revealing truth about one con man, to helping out many women on internet in figuring out if they are dating or are in relationship with a sociopath. I am sharing my experience with this world, and my intentions are to help others. I am not here to trash anyone. I simply want truth to be revealed.
I have used photos and text messages, which were given to me by Dr. Chat, or his victims.

The truth about Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee aka Dr. Chat

The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a MARRIED MAN, a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women that he picks up through social media internet sites such as Facebook.

The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women, Tools used to seduce you      Compulsive lying (telling you  everything you want to hear)     Fake persona (being who you want him to be)     Mirroring you (see above)     Empty promises     Sometimes (although not always) lavish gifts     Showering you with attention and false compliments     Bombarding you and taking all of your time     Being helpful, and the ‘perfect man’
This Picture collage was sent to me by one of his victims.
Nothing in this blog is LIE.... 
TRUTH.... all Truth.... Nothing but the TRUTH.


Letter from one of his victims to another. (this message was from Kalpana to Lesley, Sent to me by Kalpana)

I hesitated before I decided to send you this. However i think you may be interested in this blog I found.
This man is total con and I understand that you and he had a relationship until fairly recently.
He approached me too and wooed me all out. Luckily for me,I uncovered his lies before I actually met him. I have discovered that he has a number of women on the go at one time.
Dr Con (as I have renamed him) has taken a LOT of money of various woman , giving them all the same stories. I have compared notes with a couple of the women he has conned and he just repeated things verbatim to all of us. Introduced us all to the Purna side of the family, whom I believe may not even be his family!
One lady went to the police because he got a lot of money off her and then started threatening her when she stopped sending him money. The police were unable to do anything at the time because she willingly gave him the money and she lived in a different state so there were jurisdiction problems. The police told her that Sue , the real Mrs Con , is in all likelihood an accomplice Either an active or tacit accomplice as its not possible for him to dedicate all the time he does to to all the women he has on the go at the same time without her knowing.
He is currently conning some elderly lady Marquette MI.
The problem with warning anyone when he has his claws in them is that he convinces them that all other women are crazy and are stalking him. He told me this when three ladies tried to warn me. The First Lady I sort of accepted his story, with the second one, I got suspicious and explored the possibility Good thing I did 😊
I in estimated his background and he lied Just about everything. Almost nothing he said was true.
He is a sociopath and whilst I really don't give a damn about him, I do worry about the women he cons as many women are very vulnerable.
Not sure how to spread the word about him.
I count myself extremely  lucky to have seen through him before I developed any emotional ties to the man, many women have not been so lucky. Robbed of money and the ability to trust anyone any more , they pay a huge price for letting Dr Con into his life.
I hope I have not stirred up any thing for you, not my intention


One of the responses from my google account

The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a MARRIED MAN, a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women that he picks up through social media internet sites such as Facebook.

          Thank you Suchorita,
 My name is Kim, I dated Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee (aka Dr Chat) from November 2012 till recently  
   I met him on Facebook. He came across as a very romantic man. He called and texted me from the time he woke up till the time he went to bed and frequently sang romantic Hindi movie songs from the 70‘s and 80’s  to me.  

   He invited me to visit him and  in December I went to phoenix, stayed at Westin in Scottsdale, we met with my friend there, as he lives in phoenix as well. Dr. Chat, never mentioned anything about being married to Sue Chatterjee. He told me that he had told his kids Nikki and Bradford about our new relationship  and that he had proposed to marry me, no ring of course.

   I came back very happy and posted our pictures on Facebook. When Dr Chat saw this, all hell broke loose. He called me up, cried and then yelled at me and ordered me to remove our photographs immediately.  I decided to take our picture off of Facebook wall to mollify him.  

Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee as he likes to date women while being married. He repeatedly told me that his mother would have approved of me. He frequently  talked about his mum and dad, and cried like a little baby.

Among his many fantasies was the lie that he is  Indian royalty  and lived in a $2million home behind the McDowell mountain. His neighbors were apparently Russell Crowe, and whole bunch of other celebrities.  Well,  I do not care about celebrity, being a self made person, I am clear headed and down to earth  I wasn't looking for anyone with money or a celebrity.

   The saga continued... romance took off.... like a volcano.... everyday, he called, texted, cried, sang, and made sure that I wasn't seeing any other man. I was loyal to him. I fell in love, fell in love with this poor old man, he did not tell me that he was poor, but I figured it out... I continued talking to him on a daily basis, he always invited to see him as he was busy with his CEO job ( I found out six months later he was fired from his job at Kender Energy in February 2012.)

   Every time I went to see him, I spent lot of money. He came to my hotel and stayed with me. He even took me to his niece's home, and introduced me to his niece, her husband and child. I felt honored, I even cooked dinner at the niece's home. I felt closeness while I was there. He told me that Anna, niece's father in law, knows that you are my BRIDE.

 In February, he told me that he wanted to come stay with me in Northern Virginia, He asked me to buy him a ticket, which I did. He came and stayed at my home, met all my friends, skyped with my MOM and sister, and told everyone, that we were  going to India to get married.

 I have many photographs  of the two of us together during his visit.
   All this, while having romantic relationships with multiple women he met on Facebook and whilst still being married to Sue Chatterjee.
 I spent a lot of money continuing to see him, while he started controlling my life in a multiple ways. He forced me to delete all male friend's from my Facebook account.
I was approached on Facebook by this Lady.

A sociopath hates to be confronted about their lies. The lie is their cover. It is the cloak that a sociopath wears as a mask to the outside world. A sociopath hides behind its lies. Lies give them power. It gives the power to manipulate and deceive.  Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, Lesley Anne, Suchorita Chatterjee, Phoenix Arizona, Lies, Deception, Married man. Kender Energy. Dr. SUCHINDRAN “CHAT” CHATTERJEE - PRESIDENT AND CEO - Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company - Phoenix, AZ - Vanderbilt University.


Once he had my confidence, he told me that he was poor, and had no money to pay for his bills, medical bills, insurance and food etc.
 Dr Chat convinced  me in to opening a joint account, where I transferred money for his food, medicine, lab test and travels. I truly loved him and believed we were going to marry shortly.  I even paid for his travels to see his nephew in Kansas City and for some training in Marquette, MI. I later found out that he did not go there for a training, he went there to meet with another elderly girlfriend. While he was there with her, he texted me poems, pictures of his food, views etc.  Repeatedly sent me text messages saying "I Love You" . He was being romantic with at least 3 women while in Michigan in early June. A Pretty Smart man.
As my suspicion grew, I started asking him questions about different women on his Facebook page. He started getting angry at me, then would start crying and told me that I was crazy and paranoid. He told me that I am imagining stories in my head. He told me that he is a lonely man, and no one cares for him.

I continued to pay his bills and whilst visiting him in Phoenix in mid May, he took me around to meet with all his doctors, pharmacists and I paid his all outstanding medical bills. He introduced me to everyone at your doctor's office, and pharmacist as his "wife". I even bought groceries and dog food for Dr. Chats dog KITTY.
Sue Chatterjee Thanks for your message. Sorry to hear all this and not sure what to say. Yes, he is a liar. He would never tell Nikki such a thing and he knows that she would never have kept such a secret from me if he did - so that was another lie. I don't see how he pulled off the wedding as Sheila and Vid have both stayed at our house last year, so they would have known it for a lie too. I'm sure behind your back another story for your presence was told. So sad!  00:59 Lesley Ann Thank you for your message back. Dr. SUCHINDRAN “CHAT” CHATTERJEE - PRESIDENT AND CEO - Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company - Phoenix, AZ - Vanderbilt University. I assume the reason why he told me he had informed Nikki is because I kept asking him to tell your children about us. Of course he has NOT told her. How could he? As to Sheila and Vid maybe you are right and some story was fabricated. I wrote to Suchindran earlier and informed him that you know everything. Sorry again!   Sociopaths are opportunists, and will cease an opportunity whenever they get the chance. If their motive from you is money, when they meet you, they will try to the following con trick      Tell you that they are financially stable, perhaps have ‘temporarily’ fallen on bad times     Offer you a false business background, which portrays them in a good light     Reflect good morals and values  - so that you think that this person is ‘trustworthy’     Will lead you to believe that they will be in your life for the ‘long duration’  By telling you the above, a false sense of intimacy  is created. You receive the following messages      This person is just like me     This person has the same morals as me     This person is trustworthy     I am going to be with this person for a long time     This person will not let me down  The  sociopath actually makes you feel like he is doing YOU a favour, by having this opportunity, and in the long term you will ultimately both be happy. You feel like it is a JOINT decision. He is that persuasive.   It is just a trick. A con. By leading you to believe that you are investing in someone who is:      In love with you     Financially sound     Trustworthy     Stable     Here for the long term  You begin to see things as a TEAM. The sociopath is very good at persuading you to see your relationship as a team relationship. You are therefore led to believe that if he is in trouble, or needs help, then you should help him (afterall, this is a partnership), he will send you messages, so that you believe that this is morally right like telling you      Stories of his past – how responsible he was – how he paid for his ex     How he can make this much money….      How he can create a beautiful future together for you both, if only…… you……     Offering false credentials  There is always an emphasis on WE, the way that he does it, you do not think that you are lending HIM the money – you feel that you are paying for a life for both of you.   The sociopath has you believe that your money is OUR money. You are lured into thinking that you are in a very long term relationship, where you share money. If you have been in a long term relationship previously, the relationship with the sociopath – mirrors this. It feels the same, so you are lured into it.  EXCEPT……   Whilst you are putting in real hard money, all the sociopath is putting in is an illusion – ‘words’  and false empty promises, that will never come to fruition. It can be a while after before you start to object.   When you do object, YOU are made to feel like you are causing problems in the relationship. As time rolls on you wait for the return of money, there will be more       Stalling for time     Delays     Excuses  You become more anxious. The reality is starting to hit you. But you don’t want it to be true. This can’t be happening to you.   The ‘true love’ that you were involved with suddenly starts to look very different indeed. The truth begins to unravel. You ask for the money back, there is more stalling for time.   You see, you were conned and tricked, into thinking that you were in a REAL relationship. One that is loving, caring and sharing. You were duped as the sociopath mirrors the true love connection. You thought he was going to be there for the long haul, when the truth was, he was there until your source for supply ran out.   As he pushes the relationship forward fast, he creates a false sense of intimacy and trust, of a relationship that has been built over time. He uses words, and false empty promises as his down deposit, and a false sense of morality, to build trust and a false connection.   Whilst you were thinking of soulmates, marriage, love, and happy ever after, unity, teamwork and sharing. He was thinking only of himself, and his own needs.   The sociopath doesn’t think long term. He can’t think that far ahead, he thinks only of now, and ceases opportunities whenever they arise. Unfortunately, you were an opportunity, a financial opportunity. The sociopath isn’t in the relationship for ‘love’ at least not how they have sold it to you.   Afterwards you are left stunned. Not only has this ‘perfect’ relationship ended, you are also left, in debt, or with thousands of your money gone. Sometimes they steal possessions too.   You might contact them to get your money back. Rather than say ‘no’. They simply will continue with the  lie, and do more:      Stalling for time     Excuses  If you try to get it back. They will threaten YOU. Report you to the authorities for harassing them. Will tell people how you are crazy and you won’t let go. At the same time, they will allow you to believe that they will give you the money back….. sometime.

Later on I found out that in May 2013 he took advantage of his wife Sue Chatterjee being  in hospital and took me to his home. That was the first time I saw his home, not a huge $2Million Dollar home behind McDowell Mountain, but a tiny cottage in a retirement community of Sun City, Arizona.

In June, right before he was going to come to visit me, I decided to approach one of his Facebook friends. I was just trying to get truth about Dr.Chat, as I did not want a liar in my life. Also, he was trying to force me to put all my earnings in to our joint account, so he can manage my money.

In mid June, I decided to end my relationship with Dr. Chat. I told him that I was convinced that he was lying about one of his girlfriends on Facebook. I decided to contact her.  I discovered that this girlfriend of his from facebook knew nothing about his double life whatsoever and was totally shocked when I introduced myself and then told her about his wife Sue. We both started a joint message on facebook with Dr. Chat, to make sure he got his fair chance to explain himself.  When he saw that thread, and called me up, and told me on the phone, that if I ever let anyone know about my relationship with him, he would borrow money from Bradford – his son and  come to Virginia and stab me to death.
 He continued his demands for money and even asked me to pay for his insurance renewal and an annual football pass.

I subsequently became very good friends with that lady, I am grateful for Dr. Chat, for introducing us to each other. 
I became  very depressed due to all these drama and  decided to call him up, I cried like a baby, he promised me that he will never lie to me again, he said if I don't talk to him, he will stop his heart meds and will die, so I promised him I will continue relationship with him. He demanded money all the time, I could not say "NO" so I made excuses etc.
He even told me that he is at a  Sheriff training this week, and he needed $376 bill to be paid for his Kidney ultrasound, I was going to pay for it today.

Luckily for me, I saw this blog, I will save myself the $376 
and thousands more which he will keep demanding from me. He pretty much said to me that he would continue to love me if I continued to pay him money. Not in so few words, but this is the gist of his conversation with me.

The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women. The truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a frail old man, not a very good looking man either, ill mannered and foul mouth married man. He is unemployed and extremely poor, at time he does not have money to buy his own food. Yet, he finds these young attractive women and traps them in to his games.The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women, it is a sad truth that I am still in love with this CON man.

I will be moving on to a healthier happier life... I am going to need so much emotional support, and tons of therapy to undo what has happened.
 This is the TRUTH, nothing but the TRUTH.  

I have pictures, texts, emails and bank account statements to prove this.
 is a sad story, I can be found on google, email, Facebook. 


The truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a frail old man, not a very good looking man either, ill mannered and foul mouth married man. He is unemployed and extremely poor, at time he does not have money to buy his own food. Yet, he finds these young attractive women and traps them in to his games.


Dating a Sociopath?

I found this other blog on internet, I am posting excerpt of it here.
"The relationship moves at speed, often this is before you feel ready for it.  This can make you question if there is something wrong with YOU, as you don’t feel that way yet, ‘perhaps you should’? You think.
They tell you all kinds of amazing things about yourself. Many of the things they say, will be mirrored back to you, from things that you have said earlier. With the probing questions, came answers that they will now manipulate you with. They will say anything that they can think of, to win you, to seduce you"
 "Gradually, he will isolate you from those people who give you support. He will make comments, so that you fall out with those people. He knows that having you alone and isolated from support is where he thrives best. He doesn’t want you to talk to other people, who might warn you off of him." 
The seduction stage is now over.

The sociopath now moves into gaming mode. Now that he has gained your trust, and you have fallen in love, he has control. It is now time to play the game. Lies are told, and they talk at a rate of 1000 miles an hour, you become confused. If you object, they tell you that you are crazy. By now many of you have lost people close to you, and have nobody else to give you a reality check. They now have you exactly where they want you.

Maybe those people close to you did try to warn you. But with his help, you shut out those friends, after all they were just jealous, bitter, they don’t have what you have?

When you think about things that don’t add up they gas light you further, so you begin to question your own sanity.
"The sociopath can now see the end is near, his game is almost up. Or at least nearly, but he will give it one last shot. He will go to great lengths to cover for himself, and tell you that you are paranoid and insecure. Maybe you are now starting to become this way. After all, your mind has been played with. You have been manipulated, and deceived.
You decide that you have had enough. Your life is now going to the pan. Perhaps you have lost your job, financially you have lost, maybe you have also lost friends and family in the time you were defending him and they were trying to talk sense into you.
You have invested so much and lost so much, this can’t be true it can’t be happening? You didn’t want all that loss for nothing ….and so you try to make it work.
But he knows that the game is up or at least coming near to. So, out of the blue, the truth starts to emerge. He will do this deliberately. Deliberately he will let you know exactly what was happening and how stupid you were. You will feel embarrassed and ashamed that this has happened to you."

Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee is Married to Sue Chatterjee, The Truth is Dr. Suchindran Chatterjee, is a pathological liar, a sociopath who thrives on romantic relationships with multiple women,   Sociopaths are opportunists, and will cease an opportunity whenever they get the chance. If their motive from you is money, when they meet you, they will try to the following con trick      Tell you that they are financially stable, perhaps have ‘temporarily’ fallen on bad times     Offer you a false business background, which portrays them in a good light     Reflect good morals and values  - so that you think that this person is ‘trustworthy’     Will lead you to believe that they will be in your life for the ‘long duration’  By telling you the above, a false sense of intimacy  is created. You receive the following messages      This person is just like me     This person has the same morals as me     This person is trustworthy     I am going to be with this person for a long time     This person will not let me down  The  sociopath actually makes you feel like he is doing YOU a favour, by having this opportunity, and in the long term you will ultimately both be happy. You feel like it is a JOINT decision. He is that persuasive.   It is just a trick. A con. By leading you to believe that you are investing in someone who is:      In love with you     Financially sound     Trustworthy     Stable     Here for the long term  You begin to see things as a TEAM. The sociopath is very good at persuading you to see your relationship as a team relationship. You are therefore led to believe that if he is in trouble, or needs help, then you should help him (afterall, this is a partnership), he will send you messages, so that you believe that this is morally right like telling you      Stories of his past – how responsible he was – how he paid for his ex     How he can make this much money….      How he can create a beautiful future together for you both, if only…… you……     Offering false credentials  There is always an emphasis on WE, the way that he does it, you do not think that you are lending HIM the money – you feel that you are paying for a life for both of you.   The sociopath has you believe that your money is OUR money. You are lured into thinking that you are in a very long term relationship, where you share money. If you have been in a long term relationship previously, the relationship with the sociopath – mirrors this. It feels the same, so you are lured into it.  EXCEPT……   Whilst you are putting in real hard money, all the sociopath is putting in is an illusion – ‘words’  and false empty promises, that will never come to fruition. It can be a while after before you start to object.   When you do object, YOU are made to feel like you are causing problems in the relationship. As time rolls on you wait for the return of money, there will be more       Stalling for time     Delays     Excuses  You become more anxious. The reality is starting to hit you. But you don’t want it to be true. This can’t be happening to you.   The ‘true love’ that you were involved with suddenly starts to look very different indeed. The truth begins to unravel. You ask for the money back, there is more stalling for time.   You see, you were conned and tricked, into thinking that you were in a REAL relationship. One that is loving, caring and sharing. You were duped as the sociopath mirrors the true love connection. You thought he was going to be there for the long haul, when the truth was, he was there until your source for supply ran out.   As he pushes the relationship forward fast, he creates a false sense of intimacy and trust, of a relationship that has been built over time. He uses words, and false empty promises as his down deposit, and a false sense of morality, to build trust and a false connection.   Whilst you were thinking of soulmates, marriage, love, and happy ever after, unity, teamwork and sharing. He was thinking only of himself, and his own needs.   The sociopath doesn’t think long term. He can’t think that far ahead, he thinks only of now, and ceases opportunities whenever they arise. Unfortunately, you were an opportunity, a financial opportunity. The sociopath isn’t in the relationship for ‘love’ at least not how they have sold it to you.   Afterwards you are left stunned. Not only has this ‘perfect’ relationship ended, you are also left, in debt, or with thousands of your money gone. Sometimes they steal possessions too.   You might contact them to get your money back. Rather than say ‘no’. They simply will continue with the  lie, and do more:      Stalling for time     Excuses  If you try to get it back. They will threaten YOU. Report you to the authorities for harassing them. Will tell people how you are crazy and you won’t let go. At the same time, they will allow you to believe that they will give you the money back….. sometime.
This Picture collage was sent to me by one of his victims.


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